Tag: Africa
Congratulations to Science Magazine for an Honest Portrayal of Darwin’s Descent of Man
On the book’s 150th anniversary, a prestigious journal is catching up with Darwin critics.
Casey Luskin Tells All About His South African Adventures
Dr. Luskin discusses game parks, museums, fossil sites, and his PhD, including evidence that parts of Africa and Western Australia used to be connected.
Walter Bradley’s Wonderful Life — Scientist, Humanitarian, ID Proponent
Walter Bradley may not be a household name, but in a fair world he would be. He has changed many lives, and the world is a much better place because of him.
Darwinism, Storytelling, and the Futurist ET Myth
The implication is clear: the alien monolith has somehow bequeathed to him and his little tribe a sudden quantum leap in brain power.
More Just-So Rafting Stories: This Time, Dinosaurs
In the past we’ve covered proposals from evolutionists that monkeys rafted across oceans. Why would anyone make such an outlandish proposal?