Tag: Alexander Vilenkin
Vilenkin: A Physicist in Flight from Intelligent Design
If you are not an ideological materialist, it would make more sense just to assume that our universe is designed because of the clear evidence for fine-tuning.
James Tour Focused on Science, Dave Farina on Character Assassination: So, Who Wins?
Professor Dave’s attacks undercut his credibility as a spokesman for his own view. If he had the truth on his side, there’s no reason he would behave this way.
Efforts to Resist the Big Bang and Its Implications for Cosmic Design
Unsurprisingly, many academics have attempted to overturn the conclusion of a beginning through the most creative of means.
Astrophysicist Ethan Siegel Again Desperately Attempts to Avoid a Cosmic Beginning
If the model were plausible, the level of fine-tuning would represent even greater evidence of design than it was intended to avoid by removing the beginning.
Critics Respond to Stephen Meyer’s New Book (Without Mentioning Him by Name)
The critics, including Ethan Siegel, appear to see Meyer much like Voldemort in the Harry Potter series.