Tag: Alfie Evans
Medical Authoritarianism Continues to Expand
We live in a time where individual freedom is under material threat from an emerging technocracy.
Parents — Not Bioethicists — Should Decide about Baby’s Life Support
Tinslee Lewis, age 11 months, has a heart defect. The doctors claim the case is hopeless.
Bioethicists to the People: “Obey Us!”
Udo Schuklenk is furious at the public backlash against the forced removal of life support from Alfie Evans in the U.K.
Avengers: Infinity War — The Culture of Death Goes Galactic
The archvillain’s motivations are crystal clear, and very familiar if you know about the views on human population associated with Paul Ehrlich or, even more so, Eric Pianka.
Alfie Evans, a Victim of Technocracy
This was about raw power. If Alfie had escaped the diktat, there would soon be others demanding their freedom too.