Tag: Allison Hopper
#10 Story of 2021: On Evolution and Racism, Scientific American Goes to War Against the Truth
Given evolution’s racist baggage, you might think the theory’s proponents would be somewhat abashed to accuse the critics of Darwin of “white supremacy.”
From Scientific American, Another Bedtime Story for Atheists
The upshot of the best modern biology and cosmology can be epitomized by changing just one word in physicist Steven Weinberg’s famous comment.
Following the Science, Doctors Joined the Nazis “In Droves”
There is a tendency to sanctify the medical profession, with the white coat serving as an icon of wisdom, compassion, and morality.
Is “Denying Evolution” a Form of White Supremacy?
What happens if we examine the real white supremacists today? Are they creationists?
The Casual Racism of Charles Darwin
It is certainly startling to see the N-word cropping up in Darwin’s letters, but this is not the only place.