Tag: Alvin Plantinga
Undeniable Intuitions and Unbelievable Coincidences
Any appeal to accidental processes to accomplish an unbelievable coincidence is really just an appeal to unbelievable coincidence.
Are Methodological Naturalism and Philosophical Naturalism the Same? A Dissent
In a previous post, I argued that methodological naturalism is a reasonable and neutral working principle limiting everyday science to natural causes.
Bill Nye Insults the World: “Creationists” Have “Small Brains”
Nye is big on praising diversity. But when it comes to a diversity of viewpoints on evolution, the façade of broadmindedness drops.
Darwin’s Role in The Closing of the American Mind
Something to remember next time you hear Darwinists trying to raise alarms about the dread effects on education if young people are allowed to question evolutionary orthodoxy.
So Where Does the Conflict (with Alvin Plantinga) Really Lie?
I belabor the semantic point concerning “Darwinism” because the Darwinian enterprise includes a methodological exclusion of design and notoriously equivocates on words such as “evolution,” “random,” and even “design.”