Tag: America
“Irreducible Complexity” in the News
In a loose sense, America may be “irreducibly complex” but NPR sure is not. And “diverse”? America is, but NPR certainly isn’t.
Fossil Friday: The Giant Armadillo Glyptodon and the Abrupt Origin of Xenarthrans
Should we dare to consider the possibility that something is wrong with the Darwinist assumptions? Heaven forbid!
A Snail as Fast as a Bullet, and Other Darwin-Defying Marvels
You could fill up a web publication’s daily coverage just with new wonders from the world of life. Would that be expected given Darwinian assumptions?
Intelligent Design in South Africa: Brian Miller and Ray Bohlin Report
South Africa is less infused with materialistic philosophy than Europe or America’s research universities. This means an open door for ID.
New Documentary Human Zoos Isn’t Ancient History
Evolution, the New York Times lectured, is “No more debatable than the multiplication table.” Sound familiar?