Tag: ancestors
Reader Asks: What Is Denisovan DNA?
The “Denisovans” are kind of a fictional group from which we only have a few fragmented bone specimens.
In Aurora Borealis, Scientific and Aesthetic Design Arguments Meet
You appreciate the aurora borealis or aurora australis because you were not created by strictly material evolutionary processes.
Fossil Friday: Direct Fossil Ancestors of Living Species?
Willi Hennig, the founder of phylogenetic systematics (cladistics), recognized that finding and demonstrating direct ancestors would be a very hard task.
Our Ancestors Are Evolving, Just to Keep Up!
Negative biases about our forebears have long been part of science, education, and popular culture. Why?
Ewert’s Dependency Graph Proposal: A Forest of Compositions
To help further explain this concept, I would like to introduce readers to my pet bunny, Daisy.