Tag: Andrew McDiarmid
Freeing Minds Trapped in a Naturalistic Parabola
The parabola sets the rule and defines the boundaries for science: naturalistic answers only.
The Atheist Who Helped Shape Intelligent Design
It’s wonderful to remember mentors who helped shaped us, often in ways that might have surprised the influential person if he’d known about it beforehand.
New ID Book Zeroes in on Evolution’s Zero-Probability Problem
Eric Anderson explores the challenges of building a self-replicating 3-D printer, and the light this sheds on the origin-of-life community’s search for their Holy Grail.
Thomas Aquinas Weighs in on the Coronavirus and Public Policy
Scientists should have “stayed in their lane,” giving policymakers the information that science can provide about a potential pandemic, and left the political calculations alone.
COVID-19, Random Mutations, and Aristotle’s Matrix of Design
Dr. Egnor draws upon Aristotle to argue that mutations and other random events only occur, and have their meaning, against a backdrop of purpose and design.