Tag: Andrew McDiarmid
Aeschliman on C. S. Lewis, Scientism, and the Restoration of Man
As Michael D. Aeschliman notes, Lewis powerfully illustrated the shortcomings and dangers of scientism in his final Space Trilogy novel.
Venus Flytrap Takes a Bite Out of Darwinism
The evolutionary mechanism of natural selection selects for current function, not potential future function.
Ruminants, Moon Watchers Bedevil Darwin
Some ingenious molecular engineering crops up in widely divergent creatures, giving them some impressive abilities to read lunar cycles.
Dallas Conference: What Does “The Science” Really Say about Faith?
This year’s conference, February 17 and 18, will tackle subjects we haven’t explored before, including archaeology, transgenderism, and tech addiction.
By Design: Storytelling Reveals Human Exceptionalism
That humans enjoy being made to wait seems to have been deliberately built into us. It’s unique in nature, an intelligent design.