Tag: anthropology
Doctor’s Diary: No “Butts” About It
An anthropologist writes that the evolution of bipedal-walking primates was primarily caused by the shifting of select bones and muscles in the pelvis.
Biology’s “Best-Kept Secret” — Alfred Wallace’s Classic Is Out Now in a New Edition
On the subject of evolution, the scientific “consensus” depends on maintaining the our forgetfulness of Charles Darwin’s great partner, rival, and challenger.
Evolution Can’t Explain Sexual Modesty; Why Not?
Darwinism is supposed to be a universal theory about biological diversity advancing through reproduction. Could such a basic observation be beyond its scope?
Privacy in Human Intimacy Isn’t About Evolution
We transcend the strictly material forces that spur natural selection. We, alone in the known universe, are moral beings.
New York Museum Benefited from African Genocide
As of 2018, the skulls were still housed in the AMNH’s collections, although the museum allowed a delegation of a dozen Hereros to view the remains.