Tag: Archaeopteryx
Fossil Friday: New Fossil Stem Bird Is Surprisingly Modern
Why do we mostly hear only one side of the story in the media? I suppose we must be protected from dangerous questions that could come up.
Fossil Friday: More Evidence That “Feathered Dinosaurs” Were Secondarily Flightless Birds
It definitely looks like the common dino-to-bird narrative has been massively oversold to the public.
Fossil Friday: Three Modern Scientific Challenges to the Causal Adequacy of Darwinian Explanations
As a consequence of the collapsing tree problem, I suggest abandoning evolutionary classifications and return to a pre-Darwinian Linnaean classification.
Fossil Friday: New Study Confirms “Feathered Dinosaurs” Were Secondarily Flightless Birds
Darwinists may have to say goodbye to some cherished assumed transitional forms and the evolutionary just-so stories built upon them.
Fossil Friday: Imagining Eggs in the Famous Archaeopteryx Fossils
Neither lack of evidence nor conflicting evidence stopped the author from drawing far-reaching conclusions.