Tag: Arctic terns
Appreciating Bird Mimicry and the Other Exceptional, Designed Talents
Let the reader enjoy the 350+ word vocabulary of Clover, alleged to be the best talking parrot in the world.
Birds, Bats, Insects: Field Work on Animal Flight Reveals Wonders of Intelligent Design
The capabilities of flying animals continue to amaze scientists, and explanations challenge their best efforts. Does evolutionary theory help?
Watch: Animal Algorithms and the Bluff of Darwinism
Human navigation technology is just catching up to what animals like these can do by instinct.
New Book Spotlights High Tech Animal Navigation
Meet the animal kingdom’s most stunning navigators — the Arctic tern, homing pigeons, the monarch butterfly, and the desert ant, among others.
Migrating Birds Can Find Their Flocks After Many Miles and Days Apart
Another study of bird migration using geolocators finds fascinating new facts about social interactions during long-distance flights.