Tag: Arizona
Natural Selection Subtracts, It Doesn’t Add — And That Matters
In the wild, all organisms must live within their niche. There are no wild polar bears in Arizona, and no iguanas in Alaska.
Are Transplant Doctors Causing Brain Death?
A new and highly problematic means of obtaining organs is pushing the boundaries of the “dead donor rule.”
From Scientific American, Another Bedtime Story for Atheists
The upshot of the best modern biology and cosmology can be epitomized by changing just one word in physicist Steven Weinberg’s famous comment.
In Arizona, Science Education Goes to a Vote
Recently, there has been fuss over a working group meeting addressing the state’s evolution standards.
Chaffee, Sewell: “Evolution — More Certain Than Gravity?”
“Imagine two science teachers. Mr. Smith expects students simply to memorize and correctly regurgitate.”