Tag: atheist
Why Are We Drawn to Beauty?
While I love Haidt’s emphasis and regard for the beautiful, I question the power of his argument about beauty as a remnant of our collective survival instinct.
Proper Credit — Who Discovered Hubble’s Law?
Many leading scientists of the day realized the implication of the cosmic expansion — there was a beginning!
J.P. Moreland Schools an Obnoxious Atheist
Dr. Moreland explains what “scientism” means and the conversation proceeds to a recounting of a conversation at a well known medical school with a John Hopkins PhD.
Eggshell’s Remarkable Design — A Tribute to Mindless Evolution?
The key lies in a triple-layered structure and a protein called osteopontin.
A.N. Wilson and the Religious Nature of Darwinism
Wilson’s biography sounds like appropriate reading for the holy day of Darwin, which is hardly more than a week away.