Tag: atheists
Stephen Meyer, John Lennox: Against the Tide Sweeps Away Atheist “Power Play”
Does the universe bear a “stamp” indicating the guidance of a designing intelligence? Lennox’s answer is yes. He has spent a lifetime arguing as much.
Oxford’s John Lennox: Battle Cry of the “Believing Scientist”
Many religiously affiliated people, including clergy, would prefer to let their faith float free of challenging questions about objective evidence.
Lennox Versus Dawkins: “Science and Religion as Alternative Explanations”?
John Lennox gets to the heart of a great question by challenging Richard Dawkins on the assumption that science and faith cannot coexist.
Darwinism as Hegelian Dialectics Applied to Biology
Nineteenth-century Darwinism was much more than a revolutionary scientific theory.
Ouch, Huge Sky Survey Shows No “Alien Technosignatures”
I say “ouch” on behalf of materialists, atheists, and Darwinists. Ten million stars and not a hint of alien civilization.