Tag: Austria
Unalienable Rights, You Say? Why We Must Resist Yuval Harari’s “Scientific” Nihilism
History attests that when a culture does not draw a firm line protecting human life, it inevitably progresses to ending lives for all manner of reasons.
Fossil Friday: How an Austrian Scientist Concocted a New Domain of Life called Gabonionta
Is there any other evidence that this sensational discovery was nothing but hype? Sure there is.
Italian Center on Intelligent Design Holds Launch Event
The city of Turin was an especially fitting place for the public launch of a group focusing on intelligent design.
Austrian Court Creates Right to Assisted Suicide
A bit ago, Germany’s high court created an absolute right to commit suicide and the concomitant right to have help in making oneself dead.
Say Happy Birthday to Charles Darwin
If you send us a gift for Darwin’s birthday, I will send YOU a free gift. This will drive Darwinists crazy!