Tag: barbarism
Thoughts of Goodness in an Evolutionary World
What you’d expect is humans more or less on the level of animals — not greatly exceeding them in evil, or greatly transcending them in good.
The Barbarian Within: Darwinism and the Secular Script for Masculinity
Edgar Rice Burroughs set his Tarzan series (1912) in the African jungle. Because of Tarzan’s wild upbringing, he avoids the debilitating forces of civilization.
A Paleontologist Explains Intelligent Design to You
Günter Bechly describes the species pair challenge, the waiting time problem, and much more that Darwinists can’t explain.
The “Virus That Infected Philosophy”
Egnor explains, “Nominalism is the view that universals exist only as concepts in the mind, but not in reality.”
#5 of Our Top Stories of 2019: Shapiro, Berlinski on the Reversion to the Primitive in Modern Life
Their conversation is so full of treasures, it’s hard to distill it down to an essence. But I’ll try.