Tag: Big Think
Can There Be Evidence for Free Will?
John Horgan thinks that “proofs” of free will seem as dubious as denials but there is actually considerable neuroscience evidence.
Getting Stoned: Did It Shape Human Origins?
For a really wild excursion, nothing beats efforts to explain the evolution of the human mind.
“Lived Experience” Is Science’s Blind Spot
They are right about the dead ends. But is it true that the dead ends result merely from ignoring human experience?
Is Life After Death Incompatible with Physics?
In 2011, Sean Carroll wrote an essay on why — from a science perspective — our minds must be extinguished at death
Astrophysicist Ethan Siegel Sells “Something from Nothing”: I’m Not Buying
In order to push this, he has to make some pretty big changes to our normal dictionary definition of what “nothing” means.