Tag: bilaterian animals
Fossil Friday: Jellyfish Body Plan and Life Cycle Originated in the Cambrian Explosion
Remarkably, these animals can be placed within the crown group of the living cnidarian clade Medusozoa, which is not exactly what Darwinists should expect.
Fact Check: Hawaiian Silverswords Fail the Species Pair Challenge
Even though the differences appear superficially striking, they do not involve any novel body plans (i.e., no new proteins, new tissues, or new organs).
Kimberella — Interpreting the Fossils
One of the few features that are uncontroversial is the body size: The fossils measure usually 1-5 cm in length.
Ancestor of All Animals in 555-Million-Year-Old Ediacaran Sediments?
Ikaria wariootia is just another problematic Ediacaran fossil that could be anything from inorganic artifact to protozoan to cnidarian and yes, maybe a bilaterian worm.
Did Cloudinids Have the Guts to Be Worms?
I promised last year to follow up on more alleged Ediacaran animals. Now is a good moment to come back to this, with a new study having just been published in the journal Nature Communications.