Tag: bill
With Empty Threats of Lawsuits, the Tennessee Darwin Lobby Is Just Fearmongering
Do critics of academic freedom have no better argument than this?
Intelligent Design and Theistic Evolution Go Toe-to-Toe at Wheaton College
Alvin Plantinga led off with a session on “science and theology as ways of knowing.”
Getting to “You’re Fired”: The Final Days of an Intelligent Design Advocate at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab
His last performance review shows Coppedge’s supervisors and colleagues with (almost) all their knives out for him.
Get Informed on Tennessee’s Academic Freedom Bill
Darwin-only lobbyists have cranked up their propoganda machines for a massive misinformation campaign.
Testing Your Knowledge of the Louisiana Science Education Act
Q: Who wrote this? The new bill doesn’t mention either creationism or its close cousin, intelligent design. It explicitly disavows any intent to promote a religious doctrine. It doesn’t try to ban Darwin from the classroom or order schools to do anything. It simply requires the state board of education, if asked by local school districts, to help create an environment that promotes “critical thinking” and “objective discussion” about not only evolution and the origins of life but also about global warming and human cloning, two other bêtes noires of the right. Teachers would be required to teach the standard textbook but could use supplementary materials to critique it.