Tag: Biological Information: New Perspectives
Life and the Underlying Principle Behind the Second Law of Thermodynamics
This seem to be extremely improbable: “From a lifeless planet, there arose spaceships capable of flying to its moon and back safely.”
The Underlying Principle Behind the Second Law
Extremely improbable events must be macroscopically (simply) describable to be forbidden.
Really? Editors Claim They Were “Unaware” of Article’s Intelligent Design Connections
The implication is that the editors — Denise Kirschner, Mark Chaplain, and Akira Sasaki — did not realize the article was about intelligent design.
BioEssays Editor: “‘Junk’ DNA… Full of Information!” Including Genome-Sized “Genomic Code”
How many times have we heard it claimed that the vast majority of the human genome is “junk” and therefore could not have been designed?
Memory — New Research Reveals Cells Have It, Too
A memory of past events helps a cell learn how to respond to recurring threats and protect the genome.