Tag: blood
Exposing the Heart of Neo-Darwinism
At complete rest, for your organs and tissues to work properly, your heart must pump out about five liters of blood per minute.
In the Case of Water, an Inference to Intelligent Design Is Independent of Any Religious Claim
In this article I will explain why, as someone who is agnostic about many religious claims, I find the inference to intelligent design impossible to refuse.
The Properties of Water Point to Intelligent Design
It becomes increasingly difficult to deny what Fred Hoyle called a “common sense interpretation of the facts.”
Assuming Design, Researchers Achieve a Breakthrough in Understanding Circulatory System
The authors also explain how the standard evolutionary framework misdirected earlier researchers.
Adult Stem-Cell Cure for HIV?
A “consensus science” that seeks to stifle open scientific inquiry and heterodox advocacy harms the scientific quest for truth.