Tag: bonobos
Dog Versus Baby Intelligence: A Comparison
It’s an odd question because what we should be asking is, “Are kittens and puppies smarter than babies?”
Doctor’s Diary: There’s Nothing Funny About Evolution
Is a sense of humor a byproduct, an accident, or was it installed on purpose? For better health? There definitely seems to be a purpose.
Man, with His Special Place in Nature, Was Designed to Use Fire
Only a special type of being very close to our own biological design could have taken the first and vital step to technological enlightenment, fire-making.
Across Species, Animal Adoptions Pose an Evolutionary Conundrum
Animals don’t have reason or moral accountability but there is abundant evidence that mammals and birds have feelings. And feelings often follow their own rules.
Study: Hands of “Ardi” Indicate a Chimp-like Tree-Dweller and Knuckle-Walker
Initially, Ardi was widely called the “oldest human ancestor,” due to its supposed skeletal traits that indicated an early bipedal (upright walking) species.