Tag: Boston
Farewell to Daniel Dennett
Dennett noted that Paul Nelson and I were in the audience and would be speaking at Tufts that evening on intelligent design.
Dawkins, Dennett, and the Taste for Iconoclasm
I’ve had two memorable encounters with Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, one with Dennett alone, the other with both together.
Jonathan McLatchie on Classic Examples of Irreducibly Complex Systems
Dr. McLatchie explains the “likelihood ratio” of the evidence for irreducible complexity, a top-heavy ratio he says strongly supports a design hypothesis.
Let’s Help Harvard Understand Intelligent Design
It was disappointing to see the inaccurate representation of ID, along with the poor scientific epistemology.
Welcome Back, Jonathan McLatchie, and Congratulations!
As of January 2020, Jonathan M. is now Dr. Jonathan McLatchie. He earned a PhD in evolutionary biology from the Biosciences Institute at Newcastle University.