Tag: brain
The “Surprisingly Consistent” Answer to the Question: Are We Alone in the Universe?
The firm belief in extraterrestrial life — a belief nearly universal in the scientific community — is an act of faith.
Doctor’s Diary: The Ultimate Engineer
The 4-4-4 rule says that we would perish without oxygen for four minutes, water for four days, or food for four weeks.
Watch: Londoners Ponder the Existence of a Soul
As a young Muslim physician suggests, materialism asks us to deny the evidence of our near-universal, dualist experience.
Michael Egnor: How Experiments Show that the Mind Is More than the Brain
Oddities of neuroscience that indicate that there is more going on in the brain than mere chemistry.
Brainwashed — For Your Own Good
An insidious kind of brainwashing goes on without your awareness, day and night. And you couldn’t live without it.