Tag: brains
Intelligent Design in Action: Mars Archaeology
A new scientific research field began when intelligently designed artifacts started appearing on a lifeless planet.
By Design: Brain Miniaturization in Some Very Small Insects
Does reduced brain size affect the behavior of animals? The answer appears to be that there is no effect.
What Does Your Brain Do? And What Can It Not Do?
A surprising result of pioneering neurosurgery was the discovery that some mental processes could be stimulated in the brain but others could not be.
Design, Engineering, Specified Complexity: Appreciating the Fruit Fly Brain
Groundbreaking new research has documented the complexity and design of the brains of fruit flies.
We Can’t Let “Experts” Decide the Morality of Making “Humanized Animals”
Bioethics is a utilitarianish social-political movement whose primary advocates are usually philosophers, lawyers, and/or doctors.