Tag: Bruce Alberts
Is It Becoming Acceptable to Speak of Biological Systems and Processes in Terms of Design?
In this example, think of the Darwinese as packing peanuts that can be removed to get to the important items inside.
Denis Noble in Nature: “Time to Admit Genes Are Not the Blueprint For Life”
In his review, Noble comes right out and says that “Classic views of evolution should also be questioned.”
No, Intelligent Design Doesn’t Reason by Analogy; Here’s Why
We also see machines in living systems. That’s not to say that cells or living systems on the whole are “machines,” but they do contain machines.
From Darwinists, a Shift in Tone on Nanomachines
The shift in tone from then to now is remarkable. What happened to the awe these systems used to inspire?
Is Intelligent Design a Science Stopper?
Consider a box with an internal divider such that the box is divided into two separate compartments, A and B.