Tag: Bruce Gordon
Design Writ Large: CSC Fellows on “Science, Mathematics, and Technology”
Bill Dembski led by explaining rigorous means to detect design, including a refined understanding of specified complexity.
John Horgan on the Madness of “Scientific Omniscience”
“As for life, Dawkins’s claim that it is no longer a mystery is absurd. We still don’t have a clue how life began.”
Spider-Man, the Multiverse, and Intelligent Design
In the new Spider-Man movie, the multiverse not only makes an appearance but plays a crucial role in the plot.
How Science and Faith Relate — Three Options
“Dialogue,” in practice, can quickly devolve into a monologue where religion is supposed to sit down and shut up the moment there is a point of difference.
New “Three Views” Book Explores the Relationship of Faith and Science
Unfortunately, this is not the first time we have seen inaccurate descriptions of intelligent design from Professor McGrath.