Tag: C.S. Lewis
“In Fauci We Trust”? C. S. Lewis Foresaw Scientific Authoritarianism
Who would have predicted all that Americans have experienced in the past five months?
A Prophetic Warning Against the Abuse of Science
Learn about the relevance of C.S. Lewis’s dystopian novel for today in this video commemorating its 75th anniversary.
Why C. S. Lewis Rejected the “Argument from Undesign”
One contribution Lewis made to the intelligent design project wasn’t a specific argument but the example he set.
C. S. Lewis and Intelligent Design
Watch to the end of the video and learn about the connection between Lewis and the late, renowned atheist Antony Flew.
C. S. Lewis and Evolution
This video grew out of a book project exploring famed writer C.S. Lewis’s views on science, scientism, and society.