Tag: Carl Zimmer
We’ve Discovered “Covert Consciousness” — But Now What?
Creighton University Medical School prof Charles Camosy thinks it is time for something like a civil rights movement for people in this state.
Sociovirologists Say Viruses Can Cheat, Cooperate
What does it mean to say that a defective string of genes’s behavior could be self-defeating? Or self-preserving? Where did the “self” come in?
“Lying on the Internet”? Debunking Dave Farina on Stephen Meyer
A lot of nonsense gets published in peer-reviewed journals and it needs expertise to separate the wheat from the chaff. Farina lacks any expertise to do this.
Did the New York Times Just Give a Covert Nod to Meyer’s “God Hypothesis”?
What’s different is that this time around, the discussion is far more favorable towards Meyer’s position. Here’s what columnist Ross Douthat says
The Myth of Precambrian Sponges
Evolutionists would expect to find sponges as the earliest animals in the fossil record.