Tag: cell
The Extracellular Space: Where the Rest of Life Takes Place
“Zooming out from a single cell, the human body as a whole is made up of around thirty trillion cells.”
Discerning the Shape of a “New Biology”
Purpose and intentionality permeate and in fact define the living state, in contrast to the inanimate.
Michael Denton on Nature’s Fitness for Life
Carbon’s suite of life-friendly features is foundational to the cell’s peerless ability to build sophisticated biological forms.
The Cell as an “Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune”
Dr. Navare, a science writer and an enthusiast of Feminist Science Studies, plausibly makes a scientific case against seeing the cell as a hierarchical entity.
No. 4 Story of 2023: On Origin of Life, Chemist James Tour Has Called These Researchers’ Bluff
Dr. Tour issued his challenge in reply to the claims made by YouTubers, like Dave Farina, about how these hurdles to life’s origin had been fully addressed.