Tag: Center for Science & Culture
#GivingTuesday Message from Stephen Meyer
Dr. Meyer recounts highlights of the past year and gives some hints as to what expect in the year coming.
For #GivingTuesday, Help Michael Behe Demonstrate that Darwin Devolves
In the first chapter, Behe the Darwin skeptic throws a curve ball. The neo-Darwinian mechanism did create the polar bear from the brown bear, he announces.
Theistic Evolution and the Moral High Ground
C. John Collins points out that Venema’s use of “language evolution” is a poor analogy for (his form of) biological evolution.
J.P. Moreland Schools an Obnoxious Atheist
Dr. Moreland explains what “scientism” means and the conversation proceeds to a recounting of a conversation at a well known medical school with a John Hopkins PhD.
Hypocrisy Watch: What to Expect When Behe Book Comes Out
“Oh, Michael Behe happens to be a Catholic, therefore we don’t have listen to him on the science.” Well that’s poppycock.