Tag: Center for Science & Culture
A Certain Habitual Vagueness — How Fitness Terrains Spell Trouble for Eye Evolution
For evolution, as Center for Science & Culture research director Brian Miller shows, the devil is always in the details.
Deadline Extension! Fine, We’ll Give You Till April 14 to Apply for Summer Seminars on ID
Why? Because there was a big rush of applications at the very end of the process.
Forbidden Science: Applications for Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design Are Due in Two Days!
The reign of intellectual intolerance on campuses extends across every field of study, including biology.
Fitness Terrains and Their Challenge to Darwinian Theory
A new episode of ID the Future is quite relevant to the fish-to-man question I wrote about earlier today.
How the Evolution Debate Devolved
Darwinism is more “absolutist” and closed to discussion than ever.