Tag: Charles Darwin and the Ghost of Epicurus (series)
Darwin and the Newtonian Metanarrative
People chose to believe what they wanted to believe in obedience to the then reigning intellectual fashion.
For Darwin, Timing Was Everything
Charles Darwin, as we saw yesterday, pulled off an intellectual coup against the major thinkers of the Western tradition. How did he do it?
The Ghost of Epicurus and the Doctrine of Natural Selection
The classical pantheon, lacking moral credibility, had become a source of embarrassment to thoughtful Greeks.
The Enlightenment (Re)turn to Atomism
What distinguished thinkers had long called out for its manifest absurdity was now, Phoenix-like, rising from the ashes.
Charles Darwin and the Ghost of Epicurus
Darwinism, when viewed from a philosophical perspective, might more accurately be understood as a late sub-branch of ancient speculative thought.