Tag: chihuahua
Will Earth BioGenome Project Vindicate Darwin?
Compare the latest project to sequence everything to other megaprojects that may or may not answer evolutionary questions.
Top Scientific Problems with Evolution: Speciation
Swedish scientist Arne Müntzing used two plant species to make a hybrid that underwent chromosome doubling to produce hempnettle, a member of the mint family.
Dogs Understand Many More Words than We Think
Of course, the dog is responding to words as signals, not as components of sentences.
If Human Eugenics Wouldn’t Work, Human Evolution Has a Big Problem
Richard Dawkins got his wings clipped over the weekend, following a claim on Twitter.
World Magazine: Darwin Devolves Is Science Book of the Year; Foresight Makes the Short List
This, of course, comes on top of kudos Dr. Eberlin had already received from, among others, no fewer than three Nobel Prize-winning scientists.