Tag: chimps
Pushing Elephant “Personhood”
Think cattle herds suing ranchers or lab animals suing universities — not to improve care but to liberate from all human use.
Doctor’s Diary: No “Butts” About It
An anthropologist writes that the evolution of bipedal-walking primates was primarily caused by the shifting of select bones and muscles in the pelvis.
Behe and Swamidass Debate Evolution and Intelligent Design at Texas A&M
When Michael Behe’s slide show flashed to a close up of the gears, a murmur of astonishment rolled through the audience.
Human Origins: Not a Simple Question
Is this proof of Adam and Eve? Far from it. It merely shows they might be possible. This model is scientific and as such is falsifiable.
In Germany, Constitutional Rights for…Pigs
The issue is known as “animal standing,” and activists want to let beasts sue in court to “break the species barrier.”