Tag: cladistics
Fossil Friday: Direct Fossil Ancestors of Living Species?
Willi Hennig, the founder of phylogenetic systematics (cladistics), recognized that finding and demonstrating direct ancestors would be a very hard task.
Farewell to My Teacher, Gerhard Mickoleit
He had rather secretly always been a devout Protestant Christian and he too had some doubts about the causal adequacy and sufficiency of neo-Darwinism.
The Puzzle of Hox Gene Homology — With Parsimony Taking the Hit
I am old enough to remember when, during the cladistics revolution, parsimony was the Final Referee with the Loudest Whistle.
Fossil Friday: Fake Amber and the Piltdown Fly
Such simple forgeries are commonly sold to tourists in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Eastern Europe, and Eastern Asia.
Ten Reasons Why Birds Are Not Living Dinosaurs
Natural selection can explain “the survival of the fittest but not the arrival of the fittest.”