Tag: climate change
Francis Collins Employs Climate Change as a Cudgel
Collins identifies as a Christian, but he seems to have missed a glaring instance of design in the Earth system.
Forrest Mims on Winning the Rolex Award (And How You Can Too!)
By the early 1990s, Mims had built a reputation as one of America’s foremost citizen scientists.
To Weed the Garden, or Not to Weed the Garden, That Is the Question
An award-winning environmental journalist tackles the question of plant consciousness and plant rights.
For Suicide, Disguised “Public Health” Policies Aren’t the Solution
The authors even suggest regulations controlling the manufacture of ceiling fans because some people have used the mechanisms to hang themselves.
Covering for Darwin, Science Reporter Massages a Study
Genetically, the model organism for studying evolution was just one water flea after another.