Tag: collagen
Complex Specified Information in the Lowly Sponge
Sponges are outliers in biology’s big bang, the Cambrian explosion. Their embryos appear in Precambrian strata, leading some to consider them primitive.
Fascia, Your Body’s Fashionable “New” Organ
It’s not often that a new functional organ is found in the human body, considering that everything has been dissected and drawn for centuries.
Contingency Planning in the Cell Affirms Design
When sunlight is adequate, leaves are happy. On some days, though, there can be too much of a good thing.
Plant Spirals Finally Solved?
The Fibonacci spirals in plants have long attracted scientists and puzzled them as well. How do they form?
Birds and Bats: How Bright Is Evolutionary Light?
The media are generous with claims that new findings “shed light” on evolution.