Tag: colleges
Meyer: Cambridge University’s Role in Advancing the Scientific God Hypothesis
Stephen Meyer was in Cambridge, England, and he gave an unusual “on the spot” presentation about Cambridge University itself.
Stephen Meyer and Justin Brierley on the Mainstreaming of Intelligent Design
Justin Brierley asked whether the “stigma” attached to ID had faded. Meyer smiled and answered very much in the affirmative.
Summer Seminars in Colorado — A FREE Remedy for Cancel Culture; Applications Due April 1
As one of our students last year said at the concluding banquet, the Summer Seminars represent “science as it should be, rather than science as it is.”
“Blind Evolution… Explained Everything”
COVID-19 isn’t our only pandemic. There is also a pandemic of loneliness and despair.
A Summer Seminar Grad Tells How Her Life Was Changed
As Beth says, the freedom to learn about the design evidence without fear is, unfortunately, a real anomaly in today’s academic setting.