Tag: Compassion and Choices
Euthanize Me, or I’ll Starve Myself to Death
Allowing euthanasia and/or assisted suicide unleashes drastic desires in suffering individuals.
Pushing Suicide as Merely a “Choice”
This is the concept of “rational suicide” — a minority view in the mental health professions.
“Starve Me” Advance Directive Would Be Immoral
Many of these provisions are, to say the least, subject to interpretation. And people with dementia may refuse food one meal, and accept the next.
Normalizing Suicide Parties
The latest example comes in a New Yorker essay by Cory Taylor, a woman with a terminal illness.
NY High Court Rejects Assisted Suicide Right
The last thing this country needs are courts imposing extra-democratically a radical social revolution against venerable values and mores.