Tag: computer engineering
Robert J. Marks on Why AI Won’t Destroy the World, or Save It
Will robots or other computers ever become so fast and powerful that they become conscious, creative, and free?
How Convergent Animal Algorithms Challenge Darwinism
Eric Cassell discuss the No Free Lunch theorems of William Macready and David Wolpert, and the problem of blind searches for everything from Rubik’s cube solutions to the formula for WD-40.
New Book Spotlights High Tech Animal Navigation
Meet the animal kingdom’s most stunning navigators — the Arctic tern, homing pigeons, the monarch butterfly, and the desert ant, among others.
Here’s How to Fight Censorship — In a “Nutshell”
The five authors, led by Thomas Y. Lo, cover the range of evidence for intelligent design in under 150 pages.
Message from the Molecules — They Say “Intelligent Design”
You could have an interesting argument about which field of science will ultimately clinch the argument for intelligent design.