Tag: conservatives
Luskin: Book Banning? Woke Forces Know All About That; They Practiced on Us
“Those 49 words — suggesting that students consult a library book if they wanted to learn more about a scientific idea — were too much for the thought police.”
Iconoclast: Farewell to Tom Bethell
I remember having an exchange with Tom about the meaning of his last name, which seems to correspond to the Biblical place name Beth El, meaning “House of God.”
Why Intelligent Design Had to Be the First to Face the Guillotine
In Wesley J. Smith’s phrase, in the present cultural moment, we have witnessed “the French Revolution attacking the American Revolution.”
Berlinski, Robinson on the “Almost Unfathomable Complexity” of Living Systems, and More
The two also discuss discontinuities in the fossil record as well as Berlinski’s insistence that “any theory of natural selection must plainly meet what I have called a rule against deferred success.”
My Gift to You: David Berlinski Interviewed by Peter Robinson
Berlinski’s plea is that the grave contradictions between evolution and evidence at least be forthrightly admitted.