Tag: conservatives
Following Behe Review, Another Disturbing Peek Behind the Scenes at Science
Back in 2008, Science published an influential research article claiming evidence for a physiological basis behind differences in political views.
The Return of John Derbyshire
The thread of what the alt-right calls “Race Realism” has never been completely absent from Darwinian theorizing.
I Don’t “Fear” Evolution
Khan’s unspoken corollary: anyone who expresses skepticism about evolution is an enemy of civilization.
On Intelligent Design, Do Your Own Homework. Make Up Your Own Mind.
C.S. Lewis encountered an objection to his literary criticism analogous to Kevin Williamson’s and explored its underlying logic.
An Evolutionary Guide to Paying on Dates
It must be hard for young daters to follow. It’s an even bigger challenge to square with Darwin’s theory.