Tag: convergent evolution
Study: “Most of Our Evolutionary Trees Could Be Wrong”
This refutes one of the favorite talking points of popularizers of Darwinism like Richard Dawkins.
Whales Give More “Design of Life” Evidence, Defying Explanations Based on Natural Selection
Biologist Richard Sternberg explains how the whale-evolution sequence is more “artistic license” than demonstrable fact.
The Elephant Seal in the Room
You’ve heard about salmon, whales, and sea turtles. Now learn what the clumsy-looking elephant seal accomplishes navigation-wise.
Top Scientific Problems with Evolution: Homology
The spines of Australian echidnas and North American porcupines are remarkably similar.
New Mode of Flight Found in Tiny Beetle
A millimeter-sized beetle flies efficiently with feathery wings and a beat mode not seen before. Did it evolve by natural selection?