Tag: Cornelius Hunter
An Impressive Instance of Unguided Evolution? Not So Much
“There is a desire for the theory to be true in spite of the science,” says Cornelius Hunter, “not because of the science.”
Mitochondria: Evolution’s Ever-Receding Ancestor
For years evolutionists thought early cells must have brought other cells inside of them, and those other cells then mysteriously evolved into mitochondria.
Why Are Science Reporters So Credulous?
Most journalists who write about evolution appear to have made their choice to be flacks and toadies for the godlike biologists.
Darwin’s Rhetorical Foundation of Sand: Theological Utilitarianism
Evolutionary theory, argued in the way that Darwin and many of his followers argue the case, is fundamentally theology-based.
Is the Human Neck a “Mistake of Evolution”?
Darwin asserted the “absurdity” of evolution designing a shared opening to the esophagus and trachea (windpipe).