Tag: cosmology
Dark Matter and Intelligent Design: A Prediction
Let’s look at some of the remarkable features of dark matter, already discovered by observations in astronomy and cosmology.
Rejecting the Multiverse: Elie Feder and Aaron Zimmer
It can be tempting to dismiss the idea of the multiverse as unobservable fantasy.
Watch: Steve Meyer and Joe Rogan, Full Podcast Episode Now on YouTube
Whatever your political leanings, I think you’ll get a kick out of seeing philosopher of science Stephen Meyer in the same seat where Donald Trump sat recently.
Were We Made to Make Black Holes?
I want to compare our book with a 2020 paper by Jeffery Shainline of the National Institutes of Standards and Technology.
Robin Collins’s “Fine-Tuning for Discoverability” Argument
In November 2000 we each presented at the “Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe” symposium at Yale University.