Tag: creativity
New from Science Uprising — Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and the Human Difference
Creativity, not mere copying or following commands, entails thinking “outside the box.” That’s how it can surprise us with genuine novelty.
Robert J. Marks: Could Artificial Intelligence Replace Tom Cruise?
Strictly in terms of optimal military tactics, the job of the human fighter pilots could be better filled by drones.
The Difference Between Humans and Machines
Why do news headlines continually suggest that AI is practically human already, and soon will become fully human?
Marks: Non-Computable You Won’t Achieve Immortality Through an AI Machine
Dreams of achieving immortality by having your consciousness uploaded, merging man and computer in the predicted 2045 “Singularity,” are just that — dreams.
For AI to Be Creative, Here’s What It Would Take
AI can appear smart when it generates a surprising result. But surprise does not equate to creativity.