Tag: cryo-electron microscopy
Mitochondria Promoted to Information Processing Systems
The label “powerhouses of the cell” was too simplistic for the many tasks performed every second by these computing, networking, signaling, regulating wonders.
Michael Behe in World Magazine — “Game Over” for Darwinism
Behe was present at a “semi-secret” scientific gathering “whose theme was a specific controversial question: Did Darwinian evolution have any limitations?”
Scientists Reveal Bacterial T4SS “Biogenesis Machinery”
With cryo-electron microscopy, scientists have zoomed in on a molecular machine that is very different from the Type III Secretion System.
Harvard Biophysicist Howard Berg, Flagellum’s Discoverer, Lives On
More than any other scientist, he brought to light the intricate biophysics occurring at the molecular scale in living organisms.
ATP Synthase Gets Smarter
Two new papers reveal fine-tuning in the assembly of ATP synthase rotary motors and in its operation under ATP hydrolysis.