Tag: Dallas
Meyer: Did a Student’s Challenging Question to Dean Kenyon Spark the Modern ID Movement?
Stephen Meyer discusses theories, like Kenyon’s, that seek to account for the information in DNA by reference to chemical forces alone.
Martin Luther King’s Powerful Critique of Scientific Racism, Scientific Materialism
Dr. King was critical of the misuse of science to promote racial discrimination, and he spoke against the idea that humans are the products of a blind process.
Summer Seminar Application Deadline Extended to April 30
One of the biggest activities that I missed while living abroad in South Africa doing my PhD was participating in Discovery Institute’s Summer Seminars.
Application Period Is Open for Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design
What makes the Summer Seminars so special? Last year Emily Kurlinski talked with a graduate, “Mary,” who is pursuing her own research in the world of academia.
Texas Weather Postpones Dallas Science and Faith Conference
The conference venue is dealing with burst pipes, rolling power outages, and other consequences of the current weather.